Sep 2, 2013

Golden Camels Laverton WA Aug 30th (s2)

Laverton and Mary Mac

Reached this small town - saw my to be home (3bedroom house with a garden and a car park without a car) i am not sure what i will do with this space - as you know i stay in a place like Bombay and in an appartment which is just one room - anyways it is nice. 

then went to 4 Euro st - that's is the art gallery called Laverton Outback Art Gallery which also has a work station, a training room, and the women organisation - Marlu Kuru Kuru- this is next to a fire station and a beer pub. 

tomorrow edition is the village and my house

In the evening after Annette took us around the village introducing to everyone and also helping shop - we went to leave Katherine back to the same aitcraft site. on the way back she drove me to a gold mine site and said shhhhhh - this was the smallest one in that area - called Mary Mac Gold Mine. 

Crescent Gold has produced 21,915 ounces of gold from its operations at the Laverton Gold Project, achieving its market guidance for the September Quarter.

The company has also now successfully transitioned the Mary Mac Hill open pit into production and is on track to commence development of the Apollo project.......

Monday, October 17, 2011  

another old data i found is: 

Western Argus (Kalgoorlie, WA : 1916 - 1938), Tuesday 7 October 1919, page 3, National Library of Australia

so this is my first Gold mine site and also first glimpse of two hopping Kangaroos. 

Mary Mac South: West Laverton Group: operating mine, longitude:122,3914 Latidute: - 28,6499



  1. This is the book and the link to the exhibition of the muslim cameleers that I was talking about


  2. wow this landscape is breathless & so femle - enjoy
