Mar 5, 2012

Zerox Me

Zerox me - why somebody should zerox me?

Xerox company also tried stopping people using the word "xerox" shouldn't be used in adv or in a public space as it is a name of the company and not a dictionary word. and whoever wants to use has to pay hugely to the company.

Hmm fools -- they don't realize how much free publicity they have got. They don't need to spend a penny promoting their product.

India is too clever we all called it Zerox - so it made a mark in the dictionary and also no penny spent. from Carbon copy to Zerox copy.

Mar 4, 2012

Copy Masterji

Copy Masterji,

Khoj, Khidkee Village, New Delhi.
Trial of Fashion and Art.
1st Feb to 29th Feb 2012.

Tried to blend between fashion and art? but the larger question is what is that? is it coming out of the same branch? if fashion is not Art and is entertainment - that means Art is not entertainment?

the interesting question Tarun Tahiliani said: " when a "Contemporary Artist" makes a sketch it is not taxed but when TT makes a rough drawing of his collection it is taxed why so?

now "Contemporary artist" is also what? will Adivasi artist considered as contemporary artist? now is contemporary artist means visual artist who live and breath in the urban cities? or who have got training in academic schools?
and do visual artist mean painters? so ultimately all are put in a category it is a comfortable to classify people. We - You? 

I do call myself : landscape painter - it is clear and crisp. no explanation needed. 

If contemporary art means visual art then singers + theater + fashion + dancers are not contemporary or not art? because we too use the word contemporary dancers or singers - so that means if i paint i dont sing or dance? or i am not a performer?

so why contemporary artists are not taxed for their sketches?

But my work in fashion and art had nothing to do with what i wrote above.