Jun 1, 2015

My Nepal Diary - VII - Bhavacakra

My Nepal Diary - VII

Lo to Kathmandu

Fear in minutes, which leads to death. 

Held and turned by a dreadful demon (Yama, the god of death?) is the Bhavacakra (wheel of life) I bought one Thangka on the way to Lo, painted by a monk. 

I have never witnessed fear in such a mass. I knew what is fear.... watching TV footage or hearing a story or reading a book is not the same as to witness. When I think from 1992 how many kinds of fear has happened in India - but somehow I have always escaped witnessing it. The fear I witnessed was an unknown fear with an unknown timing. I am still wondering if the nature driven fear is so scary then how scary it is when there is a human driven fear. 

--> Nature shakes everyone - all religion, language and race - no boundaries no pick and choose, like human beings. But it is of no surprise even when in nature-disaster prone area, human will try and pick and choose and also use their power. When you see two powerful countries showing off who is the super power what will a small country do? – burdened for years as slaves and maybe slowly losing land. Again we see the countries interested to help aggressively are also driven by religious beliefs, Buddhist and a Hindu country, Nepal. 

Anyways In the background of snow covered mountains I could see clouds and Indian air force covering the sky. It is raining and snowing, people sleeping in runways. We rushing around trying to reach a destination, as we had one sick patient, so we couldn’t spend time consoling people or helping them or just continue our trek– we had to focus to reach a place where our friend is safe. 

In the end of the day you feel helpless as this fear is so huge that kills people. This time it is no surprise people are more agreeable to contribute to the relief fund because it is a more non-controversial or more compatible religion and country. Even help comes with a baggage.