Murrin Murrin
Old Laverton Road = OLR Site (2)WA: 25TH Sept
one more Old heritage gold mine site. love the name Murrin Murrin. now there is a new mining site other side of the new highway which takes the old name too. i am amazed by these abandoned sites - with all the history buried. and nobody takes them home they all are preserved in that land and protected by the land. i always belived in India we have the believe of what comes out of the earth should go back to the earth - the cycle of life- i associate myself with the word 'Mati' in oriya. even in Buddhism the same philosophy is practiced - so in India Archiving is a very late concept - but preservation was always there - we preserve the philosophy or the concept of life or food- but it isnt so true in todays day- it is just a nice romantic thought to make yourself belive but not to practice.
ok coming back here in MM - in these lost land i find the same. i was so tempted to pickup all the small small tins the screws the metal the iron the timber all embedded in the earth. for me that is the idea of gold.