Sep 3, 2013

Golden Camels Laverton WA Sept 3rd (s3)

Laverton my Home

17 Craiggie st & 4 Euro street

3bedroom + a courtyard + a car park (even here i am without a car but happy with the Car park)

some information of the town: 
these information i gathered on my own: 

Garbage day: Wednesday morning - tuesday night it has to be on the streets. 
Fishman day: third week of every month -i am thinking if i can follow him to all the towns he visits that week. knock at doors and sell fish - maybe cook for few too. 
Bus day: comes on Thursday and leaves on Friday or same day need to check as i got both the information. this goes to Kalgoorlie - surely i will take it once.  
Fresh Vegetables: on Thursday afternoon. 
Here i have seen families they go to Kalgoorlie and buy for 3 weeks and come back - few stay for a day do all the shopping and come back - they save 40%. 

I met a Family they are planning to go this Thursday and come back on Friday so i asked them if i can join them they said - NO, NO PLACE
so i again asked them will you buy a pair of shoes for me - 
they said- NO NO SPACE :-( 
ok i have to wait for my bicycle 

SUNDAY: ALL SHUT other than the Pub. 

Information on the main street: 

The Main street of Laverton:

4 euro st

below: the Police station- 
i have now got introduced to one police man - tomorrow i might go meet two more - the first guy whom i met was looking after the kids in the play ground - and he said he will watch my house (YES)- but he will leave in 3 weeks. Most of the policemen stay not more than 2 years, Specially the young ones. 
The other two(will meet them soon), they come from Mt. Margaret 30km from here and it seems there is one Afghan Cemetery- so hope for some link.

The Motel

Library and Post office 
this Post office is quite an adventurous place: from here you can buy a metal detector and go to the abandon gold mining sites and start hunting for Gold - as a pure Indian my project is to hunt for Gold and then make it into jeweleries wear them all and go back to India.(of cource illegally) 

The Pub - the town at least has a pub so the focus is right. this pub building is the biggest in the street.
this pub reminds me of my childhood colony's German club. the bar tenders change every two weeks - they all come from Perth.

The Fire Station- this looks shut i have no idea of emergencies - but yesterday i saw 2 fire-women testing everything i think they come once a month to check. 

 The Museum - amazing one - will do a separate article on it.
 The Main street

Hospital- i only saw flying doctors, but it seems every week one doctor visits and in emergency a flying doctor is called from Perth.

The school play ground - the oval

 my street

abandon colony

the final shot of the day - the whole morning it had amazing sky. 

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