Living archive -1a
Laverton Cemetery - Afghan Graves
WA 11th Sept
Laverton Cemetery - Afghan Graves
WA 11th Sept
The Word Afghan in Australia is actually a very Broad term: Basically I feel they meant "Muslims" but then I figured out all where not Muslims as they where Sikhs too, so may be they meant Muslims and South Asians? I don’t think they even bothered to find the layers so it was convenient general term - that’s what the colonizers did all over the world: Generalization.
So I could say the meaning of Afghan in Australia means: “Muslims from South Asia who came with Camels in the 19th century to early 20th century” –
they where also called “Camalees”
but the truth is all where not Camalees...
As The word Afghan was quite broad, the same way the word “Explorers” or “exploring inland” needs to be questioned. As these Afghans who worked hard to Establish and Explore the Region and also build the infrastructure for all the mining which happens till today – I don’t find that credit given to them. Normally ‘Camalees’ where not even considered as “Explorers”… they where just mentioned as a mean of transport and do all the legwork??
Of course “Discover and Explore” the region and let the world know is a very funny term. It feels, as thou that region never existed thanks to the Explorers they discovered it.
At least 2000 cameleers and 20,000 camels arrived in Australia during the period from 1870 to 1920. The 1893 gold discoveries at Kalgoorlie and Coolgardie greatly increased demand. A vast network of camel routes spread across the inland….
After said this the other side is when I speak to the locals in Laverton Town they recognize all the hard work done by The Camalees and they do give enough credit and also do feel bad as they are been ignored or almost forgotten. There are many Hidden stories –which is almost buried – hope I get some out. But till now unfortunately most of them want the hidden stories hidden or you could also say the hidden stories are buried so deep that this generation is not aware of it. The generation who knew about it are all gone.
Known in Australia as ‘Afghans’, the cameleers came mainly from the arid hills and plains of Baluchistan, Afghanistan and the north-west of British India (today’s Pakistan). The cameleers belonged to four main ethnic groups: Pashtun, Baluchi, Punjabi, and Sindhi....
The cameleers spoke a mix of languages in Australia , reflecting their diverse origins. It is likely that Pashto, Dari (Persian), Baluchi, Punjabi, Sindhi and Urdu were heard in the streets of Kalgoorlie, Bourke and Marree. Some cameleers were literate, while others relied upon oral tradition, reciting poems or folk-tales at evening campfires and celebrations...
Below Information is from The Shire Of Laverton Office: Recorded in their Registered.
North facing 5 Afghan graves in Laverton cemetery:
Row F # 291:
Name: Jack Mohamad
Age: 70
Died in Laverton Hospital
Died on 27th July 1934
Buried on 28th July 1934
Undertaker -
The person
who buried him: P E O Meagles
Row F #164 :
Name: Joe Mohamad
Buried on 10th June 1912
Undertaker -
The person
who buried him: J.Blethyns
Jack and Joe name where adopted?given? changed for convenience? where these two brothers?
Row F #165 :
Name: Homed Oslam
Buried on 1st aug 1912
Undertaker -
The person
who buried him: J.Blethyns
Row F #163 :
Name: Baria Khan
Age: 40
Buried on 9th march 1920
Row F #349 :
Name: Hasham Ali Khan
Age: 95
Died in Laverton Hospital
Died on 19 May 1941
Buried on 21 May 1941
(Mohamadan Graves)
Undertaker -
The person
who buried him: H B Clarke
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